A Natal Chart is an astrology or birth chart. It is a snapshot of the sky when you took your first breath, your cosmic portrait. Your chart shows the energies you came into this life with.
Every person’s chart is unique to them, and reveals a great deal about the individual, as well as their path in life.
Each chart is hand drawn and can be customized. They also make a thoughtful gift!
*Does not include interpretation.
Your natal chart is a map of you.
It’s what was happening in the sky the moment you took your first breath. It is your imprint on space and time.
It reveals so much more than just our sun sign, it helps you see life experiences that require personal growth and shows you how to use these experiences as opportunities for your own development.
“There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life” -Varahamihira